- Northeast of Tokyo -


Boso Peninsula

The Boso Peninsula has a warm and temperate climate. Spring comes early here. Canola flowers (nanohana) start blooming in February. By March, they are everywhere. Especially in the Ishigami district, the canola fields seem to go on forever. These flowers have a distinctly brilliant yellow shade that easily marks the first sign of spring. Local residents take special care in growing them along the tracks of the Kominato and Isumi Railways. When you see that quaint little train on the Kominato Line running through the sea of bright yellow blooms, just imagine it spreading Happiness as it goes by.

房總半島有溫暖而適中的氣候。這裡的春天來得早。油菜花(菜籽花)在 2 月開始開花。等到 3 月,油菜花遍地盛開。特別是在石神地區,油菜花田似乎持續生生不息。這些花朵擁有獨特鮮豔的黃色色階,能輕易標示出春季最初的跡象。當地居民精心照顧沿著小湊和夷隅鐵道兩旁而種植的油菜花。當您看到小湊鐵道上的古雅小火車行經鮮豔的黃色花海時,請想像一下火車正在邊走邊散播幸福。

 房総半島は気候が温暖で、春の訪れが早い。菜の花は、2月の終わり頃から咲き出し、3月になると、いたるところで見頃となる。小湊鉄道やいすみ鉄道の沿線では、地元の人の心づかいと手入れによって、菜の花が育てられている。なかでも、石神地区の菜の花畑は広大だ。一面黄色に覆われた菜の花畑を、小湊鉄道のかわいらしい列車が走る景色には心躍る。 僕は菜の花の黄色が大好きだ。春の訪れを最も感じる色、幸福の色。幸せを乗せて運んでくるようだ。

A 10-minute walk from Yoro Keikoku Station on Kominato Railways.

●About Yoro Gorge → Must see japan



Tokyo, the capital of Japan. From its center eastward, modern buildings stand alongside commercial facilities and residential areas. By contrast, natural beauty has been preserved within the surrounding hills to the West. Tama has one of the most beautiful examples of satoyama, the traditional rural landscape resulting from the codependency of the land and its inhabitants. Mount Takao has splendid views of the mountains. Okutama is full of forests, gorges and waterfalls.

A visit to these outskirts of Tokyo will surprise you with the wonders of nature. The woods are endless. Perhaps you might want to soak up the fresh air by hiking through the trails, or go cycling, or enjoy a barbecue in the picnic areas. In May, forest trees start to fill out with sprouting buds. Pale young leaves turn to all different shades of green in the summer. In the fall, the hardwoods show off brilliant golds and reds as the leaves start to turn, and the colorful foliage draws many visitors in mid-November. Roads can get quite congested on weekends and holidays when the autumn leaves peak.



 東京の都心から東側にはビルが立ち並び、ずいぶん遠くまで近代的な商業施設や住宅街が続く。しかし西側に行くと、電車で1 時間ほどで高尾や奥多摩など、山に囲まれた自然に出合うことができる。多摩地区には里山の風景、高尾山には山の風景、奥多摩には渓谷や滝や森の風景がある。奥多摩を訪ねると、いつも、東京都にこれほどの大自然があることに驚かされる。しかも、その森がとても大きくて深い。 

 5月、広葉樹の森は、若葉の競演で活気が感じられる。初夏にかけて淡い色合いだった新緑 が、盛夏には濃い色合いになる。訪れる人たちはそれぞれに、自然に囲まれてハイキングやサイ クリング、バーベキューなど、レジャーを楽しんでいる。  秋になると、樹々は赤や黄色と、様々な色合いの紅葉を見せてくれる。首都圏に近いこともあ り、11月中旬には紅葉狩りを楽しむ人がとても多い。紅葉のピーク時期の休日は、車で訪ねる際 には渋滞に気をつけたい。

A half-hour walk from Hatonosu train station.


JR TOKYO wide pass(kanto area)

The JR TOKYO Wide Pass makes it easy to visit popular tourism locations such as Mt. Fuji, Izu and Karuizawa, GALA Yuzawa. 10,000yen/3days. 

●Okutama Trail → Natural Park in TOKYO


●About Okutama → Okutama Visitor Center


●Hiking in Okutama → Okutama and around 


●Forest Bathing in Okutama →  Okutama Forest Therapy


Hydrangea Heaven

June is rainy season in Japan. Wet and humid days continue, raining all the time. Water loving flowers are full of life during this damp time of year, especially hydrangeas, which look their best in the rain. The town of Kaisei in western Kanagawa is famous for hydrangeas growing by the ridge of rice paddies. Starting in late June, about 5,000 bushes break out in soft pastel snowballs of blue, purple, pink and white for two weeks or so.

A walk in the rain can actually be quite nice; opening the umbrella when it starts to rain, putting

it away when it stops. If you peek into a hydrangea bush, a snail on a leaf might be hard at work, doing whatever snails do. In the rice paddies, birds might be digging for worms. And when the skies clear, turning blue-gray to pink in the west, Mt. Fuji’s outline might appear if you squint hard enough.

六月是日本的雨季,雨季時終季都會下雨,氣候相當潮溼。每年在這潮濕的季節,嗜水的花朵便充滿生機,特別是繡球花,在雨中尤其能綻放絕美姿態。神奈川縣西部的開成町便是以生長在水稻田壟的繡球花而聞名。自六月底起,大約會有 5,000 棵灌木開花,柔軟的花如淡色的雪球,有藍、紫、粉紅、白等顏色,此景將持續兩週左右。




 神奈川県西部の開成町は、あじさいの里として有名で、田んぼの畦に、青、紫、赤、白、たくさんの色の花が咲く。花の数は約 5000 株、見頃は6月上旬から2 週間ほど。雨



7 minutes by bus from Shin Matsuda train station on the Odakyu Line; or a 20-minute walk from Kaisei train station.

●About the village of Kaisei hydrangea → nihon-kankou.or.jp


●Access from Shin-Matsuda to Mt. Fuji (80 minutes, 780 yen b bus) → explore around Mt.Fuji




The Izu Peninsula is easily accessible from the Tokyo metro area. It has a pleasant climate year round. The ocean, the beaches, the mountains, hot springs, great food, and an assortment of places to stay make it a popular getaway destination. At the western end of the peninsula, in Nishi Izu, a diverse geographical terrain is composed of the clear blue Pacific, rocky cliffs and little beaches. The coastal road boasts a scenic drive, but beware of some of the narrow passages. From Kirameki Hill (this view), Suruga Bay and Mt. Fuji can be seen in the distance. Directly below, the miniscule village and port of Ita look cozy. Other overlooks —Cape Deai, Yubae Hill, Kenko-no-Mori and Midori Hill — also boast a scenic view of Mt. Fuji across the bay.

從東京都會區出入伊豆半島極為方便。這裡全年均有宜人氣候。海洋、沙灘、山脈、溫泉、絕佳美食和各種可供住宿的場所,使其成為熱門度假目的地。在半島西端的西伊豆,擁有多樣化的地理學地形,是由碧藍的太平洋、岩石斷崖以及小片沙灘所構成。沿岸公路號稱擁有風景優美的車道,但是要注意一些狹窄隘道。從煌丘(這個視野)、能看見遠處的駿河灣和富士山。直接俯瞰下方,具體而微的村莊和港口看來很舒適。其他景觀諸如—出逢岬、夕映丘、 健康之森和綠丘—也號稱能隔著海灣觀賞到富士山美景。



For Kirameki Hill, less than an hour by bus from Shuzenji train station on the Izu Hakone Railway. Get off at Heda bus stop, then 10 minutes by taxi.

●About Numazu → Numazu Tourist Guide


●The day of Mt. Fuji is February 23 every year. → Home of Mt.Fuji


●around Numazu → Izu peninsula gio park




Rice paddies, farms and parks make up a huge green space called Minuma Tanbo. For hundreds of years, Tokyo’s surface runoff has collected here. The preservation area serves an important

environmental function. Residential development is restricted, and the terrain remains very open. Nearby residents treasure the space. They walk along the river, they farm, they play in the park. Not far from Higashi Urawa Station on the JR Line, Minuma Tanbo’s quintessential gingko leaves at Sakurabashi will start turning gold after summer. The gingko trees lined up in a row create a splendid view.

On the bridge, people exchange greetings as they pass each other by. Fishermen carry on conversations as they dangle their lines in the river. Walkers amble through the bamboo groves, bogs and shrines nearby. Heavy moisture finding its way from the river and the wetlands can

hang in the air on a misty morning, still promising a sunny day. There is definitely something that cannot be found in the city, that certain je nesais quois for peaceful reserves.

稻田、農場及公園組成了叫見沼稻田區的大片綠地。數百年來,日本的逕流都在此處匯集。這保留區有重要的環境功能。住宅建物發展被限制,而這地帶保持非常空曠。附近居民珍惜這塊空間。他們沿著溪流散步、他們務農、他們在公園裡玩耍。在 JR 線東浦和站不遠處,見沼稻田區的在櫻橋站的經典銀杏葉在夏日後會轉變為金色。成排的銀杏葉創造出燦爛的美景。在橋上當人們擦肩而過時會彼此問候。漁夫在在將釣線垂至河中時進行講話。行人漫步穿越附近竹林、沼澤、及墳墓。在微霧的早晨,由河流及濕地穿越而來的厚重濕氣懸浮在空氣中,仍是個好天氣的預兆。在這個平靜的保留區絕對有些東西是在城市找不到的,平靜保留區特有的妙不可言感受。


 田んぼや、畑や、公園が広がり、首都圏でありながら空が広く感じられる。川沿いの道を散歩する人、農作業する人、公園で遊ぶ人、それぞれがこの緑地を楽しんで、ゆったりとした時間が流れている。秋になると、東浦和駅近くにある芝川の“ 桜橋 ” で、見沼田んぼの中のシンボルツリーといえるイチョウの葉が色づく。川沿いの並木も見事な色づきだ。橋の上で、行き交う人々が挨拶を交わし、川岸には釣り人が集い、釣り糸をたれて、おしゃべりしている。


From Omiya or Saitama Shin Toshin station, 20 minutes by taxi. Omiya station has a tourist information center.

●Minuma Tanbo → minumatanbo-saitama  

●Saitama → Saitama Tourism and International Relations Bureau


●Chichibu → Chichibu Tourism Website



Ono, Kono and Kakumanbuchi — these are the three lakes that are central to the generous

natural landscapes of Mt. Akagi. Kakumanbuchi is a marsh area in the highlands. Starting at

the Akagi Koen Visitors Center entrance and walking all the way around the marsh is a good

way to see a number of things, like skunk cabbages in spring and the changing foliage in fall.

Summer is the season for rhododendrons. Shades of red appear everywhere, especially at the

Akagi Shirakaba Bokujo (it means White Birch Farm) where they grow in large groupings. The

flowering bushes keep multiplying because rhododendrons are toxic to livestock and the cows

leave them alone. The uphill drive to Mt. Akagi’s summit is steep enough by car, but tackling

the climb on a bicycle is popular too.




Kan’etsu Kotsu runs buses from Maebashi train station to Akagiyama Visitors Center bus stop, about an hour’s ride. Non-stop buses run on weekends and holidays. On weekdays, you will need to change buses at Fujimi Onsen. The Visitor Center rents bicycles.

●About Mt. Akagi → Gunma Tourist Guide


●About Mt. Akagi and Beyond → Akagi Trip 


●Near Mt. Akagi → JNTO


●Around Mt. Akagi → Maebashi Convention and visitors bureau


Lake Hibara

Urabandai is dotted with many lakes and ponds, large and small. Mount Bandai forms a distinct backdrop for one of the most picturesque landscapes in Japan. It is a magnet for photographers seeking to capture natural elements from every imaginable angle. One of the biggest draws might be the frequent morning fog. A popular destination for photo retreats and tours, visitors with all levels of photography skills can take advantage of the services provided by some of the pension hotels that guide their guests to photogenic spots.

Batches of misohagi (purple loosetrife) can be found at the campsite on the western shore of Lake Hibara in August. These magenta blooms grow in beachy wetlands during the summer. The hazy shore, the dark edgeline of Mount Bandai and the wildflowers create a beautiful scene in the morning mist. Dragonflies fly around everywhere, leaving lasting impressions for the visitor.

裏磐梯有眾多湖泊和池塘點綴,其中有大有小。磐梯山構成日本最為宛如圖畫之景觀的獨特背景。這裡像磁石,吸引著想從各種想像中角度,尋求拍攝自然元素的攝影迷。最大的魅力點之一,也許是經常會出現的晨霧。這裡是熱門的攝影據點也是旅遊目的地,擁有各種不同攝影技能水準的遊客,能善用一些民宿旅社提供的服務,他們會引導客人前往上相的景點。在檜原湖西岸的露營區,8 月時刻能看見一批批的禊萩(千屈菜)。這些洋紅色花朵,會在夏天期間生長在海灘濕地上。朦朧的海岸、磐梯山的暗色輪廓線還有野花,會在晨霧中形成一片美麗風景。蜻蜓在四處飛來飛去,讓遊客留下久難忘懷的印象。





Take the Ban’etsu West Line to Inawashiro train station, then 30 minutes by bus to Lake Hibara.

●About Urabandai → Urabandai Sightseeing brochure

●Resort → Urabandai Lake Resort



Not to be mistaken for the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka, “Izu”-numa in Miyagi Prefecture is a winter habitat for geese. The greater white-fronted goose, called magan, is one of the Natural Monuments of Japan. The large bird has a wingspan that can reach one and a half meters. The best place to watch them fly off in the morning is from the pier at the western edge of the swamp. Daybreak is when the geese are the loudest, flapping their wings wide. Pre-dawn, the birds honk in the distance before take-off time. Small flocks will appear in the sky as it starts to turn light. Some of them will circle over the swamp, while others will head straight for the rice paddies to feed. The Ministry of Environment lists the sound of these geese taking off in large flocks among the 100 Soundscapes of Japan. If a flock happens to pass directly overhead,

the experience might even be called a sense-scape.






Izunuma is a 10-minute car ride from Kurikoma Kogen train station (Tohoku Shinkansen). If you take a taxi, be sure to arrange your return ride back to the train station.


JAPAN EAST PASS (touhoku area)

Travel to locations such as Aomori, Nikko,Sendai and Akita-wherever you want to go-all with just one pass.

●About Izunuma → Miyagi travel guide 


●Live Camera → Izunuma live camera feed 



Tono is known for its folk tales, its pastoral landscapes, its gentle people. It is an interesting

stop in the Tohoku region. There is also something else. Tono runs steam locomotives every so

often, although the event calendar is not always well publicized. Consider it luck to drive by and

stumble upon the actual date when a steam engine runs against horses!

The local horse club sponsors this special event once a year on a Saturday in mid-June.

Many photographers visit Tono for that purpose and vie for a good spot to plant their tripods.

They wait patiently, peeking through the viewfinder over and over to make sure their camera is

perfectly positioned. As the train approaches the crowd, the sounds of the steam engine grow

louder. The train gets closer. It comes into sight...first the puffs of steam, then the train itself,

and then three horses racing the train alongside the tracks. Cameras click all about, and then

the train and horses flash by. What a rush for the bystanders!



遠野は民話のふるさとと呼ばれ、のどかな田園風景が広がっている。暮らす人たちも穏やかだ。僕は東北の旅では必ず訪ねたくなる。その遠野にSLが走っているのは知っていたが、運行する曜日などは知らなかった。この日、車を走らせていると、線路脇にたくさんの人がいて、皆が三脚を構えていた。これからSLが通るに違いない。近くに駐車スペースを見つけて車を止め、そばにいた人に聞いてみると、あと1 時間ほどでSLがやってくるという。しかも、1年に1度、地元の馬の組合「遠野馬の里」の馬と、SLが一緒に走るイベントなのだという。

 僕は急いでカメラをセットした。待っていると、遠くから汽笛と、蒸気機関車が近づいてくる音が聞こえてくる。しばらくすると、蒸気の煙が見え、車両が現れ、そして、3 頭の馬が競い合うように走ってきた。カメラマンが一斉にシャッターを切る。汽笛が鳴り響き、SLが目の前に迫り、感動は最高潮に達する。偶然の出会いは、旅の醍醐味だ。もくもくと上がる煙に力強さが写るように、早いシャッタースピードを設定して、煙の質感をしっかり出すように写した。

From Shin Hanamaki (JR Tohoku Shinkansen), transfer to the Kamaishi Line for Tono station.

●About Tono → Tono Tourism Assocation 

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